Marian is a system administrator by heart. He has been working with Linux for almost twenty years. Currently, he is Head System Architect at Siteground.com. He is a big fan of FOSS and regularly speaks at different FOSS conferences around the world. Marian also helps with the organization of OpenFest - Bulgaria's biggest FOSS conferences. In his spare time, he teaches Linux system administration and Network security courses at Sofia University and SoftUni.
Multitasking is hard and if possible should be avoided. This is something that experienced devs and architects know quite well. In this talk Marian will present the difference between implementing multitasking with multiple processes, multiple threads in a single process or with fibers (coroutines) in a single process. You will learn about the benefits, problems and locking issues with each of them. Example programs will be provided in Marian's github account.